5 Reporting

# load data
# filter data

ess_ger <- ess %>%
  dplyr::filter(country == "DE") %>%
  mutate(age2 = age*age)

fit0 <- lm(imm_econ ~ 1, data = ess_ger)
fit1 <- lm(imm_econ ~ left_right + vote_right, data = ess_ger) 
fit2 <- lm(imm_econ ~ left_right + vote_right + edu + age + gender, data = ess_ger)

5.1 Tabellen

5.1.1 stargazer

stargazer(list(fit0, fit1, fit2), type = "html")
Dependent variable:
(1) (2) (3)
left_right -0.187*** -0.174***
(0.024) (0.024)
vote_right1 -1.985*** -1.991***
(0.226) (0.224)
edu 0.162***
age -0.004*
genderMale 0.335***
Constant 5.831*** 6.745*** 5.841***
(0.044) (0.112) (0.185)
Observations 2,817 2,740 2,721
R2 0.000 0.059 0.087
Adjusted R2 0.000 0.058 0.086
Residual Std. Error 2.335 (df = 2816) 2.253 (df = 2737) 2.221 (df = 2715)
F Statistic 85.459*** (df = 2; 2737) 52.031*** (df = 5; 2715)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

5.1.2 texreg

screenreg(list(fit0, fit1, fit2))
## ==================================================
##              Model 1      Model 2      Model 3    
## --------------------------------------------------
## (Intercept)     5.83 ***     6.74 ***     5.84 ***
##                (0.04)       (0.11)       (0.18)   
## left_right                  -0.19 ***    -0.17 ***
##                             (0.02)       (0.02)   
## vote_right1                 -1.98 ***    -1.99 ***
##                             (0.23)       (0.22)   
## edu                                       0.16 ***
##                                          (0.02)   
## age                                      -0.00    
##                                          (0.00)   
## genderMale                                0.33 ***
##                                          (0.09)   
## --------------------------------------------------
## R^2             0.00         0.06         0.09    
## Adj. R^2        0.00         0.06         0.09    
## Num. obs.    2817         2740         2721       
## RMSE            2.34         2.25         2.22    
## ==================================================
## *** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05
#texreg(list(fit0, fit1, fit2))
#htmlreg(list(fit0, fit1, fit2))

5.1.3 sjPlot

  • viele weitere Einstellungsmöglichkeiten findest du hier.
sjt.lm(fit0, fit1, fit2, use.viewer = F, show.ci = F, show.se = T)
    imm_econ   imm_econ   imm_econ
    B std. Error p   B std. Error p   B std. Error p
(Intercept)   5.83 0.04 <.001   6.74 0.11 <.001   5.84 0.18 <.001
left_right     -0.19 0.02 <.001   -0.17 0.02 <.001
vote_right (1)     -1.98 0.23 <.001   -1.99 0.22 <.001
edu       0.16 0.02 <.001
age       -0.00 0.00 .065
gender (Male)       0.33 0.09 <.001
Observations   2817   2740   2721
R2 / adj. R2   .000 / .000   .059 / .058   .087 / .086
sjt.lm(fit0, fit1, fit2, 
       use.viewer = F,
       show.std = TRUE,  
       show.ci = F)
    imm_econ   imm_econ   imm_econ
    B std. Beta p   B std. Beta p   B std. Beta p
(Intercept)   5.83   <.001   6.74   <.001   5.84   <.001
left_right     -0.19 -0.15 <.001   -0.17 -0.14 <.001
vote_right (1)     -1.98 -0.17 <.001   -1.99 -0.17 <.001
edu       0.16 0.15 <.001
age       -0.00 -0.03 .065
gender (Male)       0.33 0.07 <.001
Observations   2817   2740   2721
R2 / adj. R2   .000 / .000   .059 / .058   .087 / .086

5.2 Show me your model!

With the sjp.lm function you can plot the beta coefficients with confidence intervals as so called “forest plots”.

Als nächstes werden wir fast auschließlich auf das Package sjPlot zurückgreifen um unsere Modelle zu visualiseren.

5.2.1 Coefficient Plot (Forest)

type = "est" is default.

  • type = "est" Unstandardisierte \(\beta\) Koeffizienten ist voreingestellt.
  • type = "re" For multilevel random effect models.
  • type = "std" Standardisierte Koeffizienten \(\beta^*\).
  • type = "std2" Vorschlag von Gelman durch zwei Standardabweichungen zu Teilen zur besseren Vergleichbarkeit mit Dummies.


plot_model(fit2, vline.color = "red", sort.est = T)

plot_model(fit2, show.values = TRUE, value.offset = .3, type = "std2")

  c("Nullmodel", glance(fit0)),
  c("Model 1", glance(fit1)),
  c("Model 2", glance(fit2))
##                  r.squared  adj.r.squared sigma    statistic p.value     
## [1,] "Nullmodel" 0          0             2.33521  NA        NA          
## [2,] "Model 1"   0.0587767  0.05808893    2.253388 85.45891  9.963587e-37
## [3,] "Model 2"   0.08744187 0.08576128    2.221265 52.03058  1.115144e-51
##      df logLik    AIC      BIC      deviance df.residual
## [1,] 1  -6385.753 12775.51 12787.39 15356.23 2816       
## [2,] 3  -6112.462 12232.92 12256.59 13897.82 2737       
## [3,] 6  -6029.495 12072.99 12114.35 13395.86 2715

5.2.2 Marginal Effects

sjp.lm(fit2, type = "eff")

       type = "eff", 
       facet.grid = F, 
       vars = "left_right")

5.2.3 Predicting values

sjp.lm(fit2, type = "pred", vars = "left_right", point.alpha = .1)

sjp.lm(fit2, type = "pred", vars = c("left_right", "edu"))$plot +
  viridis::scale_color_viridis(discrete = T)

sjp.lm(fit2, type = "slope", show.loess = TRUE, vars = "age")